20 Years of Giving. Kinderlachen: Empowering Children, One Smile at a Time

In the heart of Dortmund in 2002, Christian Vosseler and Marc Peine joined forces to establish “Kinderlachen,” an esteemed charitable organization recognized across regions. “Kinderlachen” has since become the steadfast advocate for children and teenagers, championing their rights and interests.

Today, Marc Peine and Christian Vosseler, the visionary founders, hold pivotal roles as members of the association’s executive board. Their unwavering commitment and unwavering determination drive them to translate the idea conceived in 2000 into impactful actions. Through an abundance of passion, wholehearted dedication, and a strong support system, they have propelled “Kinderlachen” to the forefront, positioning it as one of the largest organizations dedicated to assisting children in the German-speaking world.

Cherishing the Spirit of Giving: Kinderlachen’s Heartwarming Tradition

In Dortmund, a heartwarming tradition was born during a children’s hospital gift-giving event, which eventually led to the establishment of “Kinderlachen.” Each Christmas Eve morning, this tradition continues as a time-honored gathering to shower presents upon children who are unable to celebrate the holiday in the comfort of their own homes. Furthermore, “Kinderlachen” generously provides the hospital with various donations, enabling the provision of essential medical care for children in need.

At the core of “Kinderlachen” lies a fundamental principle: prioritizing the well-being of children and ensuring their happiness and good health as they navigate through life. The organization stands firmly dedicated to this principle, consistently striving to give children the necessary resources for a bright and fulfilling future.

Supporting Medical Care: Donations that Make a Difference

The compassionate team at “Kinderlachen” is fully devoted to aiding and supporting both sick children and those hailing from disadvantaged backgrounds. Their focus is particularly directed towards seriously ill children residing in children’s hospitals and hospices, as well as day-care centers, kindergartens, and public institutions facing financial constraints.

“Kinderlachen” does not make donations of money, but contributions in kind in accordance with the deserving child, family and/or institution. We deliver directly and dependent on requirements furnitures, medical equipment/facilities and secures agility and encouragement.

Ambassadors and team is on the ground, working to address the immediate needs of children all over Germany and Europe. In order to prove that donations are used efficiently and effectively every project is accompanied personally. Currently “Kinderlachen” supports approx. 250 projects throughout Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Tailored Assistance: Addressing Unique Needs with Individualized Support

Tailored assistance… “Kinderlachen” extends its support in a manner that recognizes the uniqueness of each child. Understanding that every child possesses distinct needs and requirements, we offer demand-oriented, individualized, and immediate help, ensuring that our assistance directly addresses their specific circumstances.

Preschool Care Excellence: Empowering Children through Nurseries

Preschool care like no other… The “Kinderlachen” nurseries stand out as exceptional early childhood educational centers within the encompassing triangle of daycare, nursery, and school. These extraordinary facilities are established as part of the comprehensive “Soziale Stadt” (“Social City”) initiative, strategically located within the catchment area of Dortmund’s Nordstadt, specifically near the “Kleine Kielstrasse” primary school. This area is characterized by socio-economic disadvantages, with approximately 500 children lacking access to daycare facilities. Within the “Kinderlachen” nurseries, children from diverse backgrounds, alongside their parents, receive systematic preparation that aligns with their living conditions, cultural heritage, and developmental stage, all in preparation for their transition to primary school and integration into the German educational system. These institutions serve as a crucial foundation for fostering integration, equal opportunities, and ensuring that children from migrant backgrounds start their educational journey on equal footing with their peers.

Fostering Equality: Overcoming Socio-economic Disadvantages

Every child deserves their own place to rest… In Dortmund, there are approximately 24,000 children below the age of 15 living in poverty. For many of these children, the concept of having their own bed is foreign. Instead, they find themselves relying on a single blanket for warmth or sharing a bed with their parents or siblings. Extensive research has shown that these circumstances often contribute to psychological developmental challenges. In collaboration with a local furniture store called “POCO,” “Kinderlachen” goes beyond merely providing beds to families in need. We also offer writing desks and other essential pieces of furniture, always in consultation with the families and considering their specific requirements.

The “Kinderlachen Gala”…

The annual “Kinderlachen Gala” serves as a remarkable fundraising event that recognizes and celebrates the philanthropic efforts of celebrities. This extravagant gala features a high-stakes auction, showcasing exclusive items that are typically unattainable through regular purchase. Past auctions have included autographed guitars and LPs from renowned artists such as Lionel Richie, Paul Simon, Meat Loaf, KISS, Iron Maiden, Sting, Beach Boys, Brian May of Queen, a-ha, The Monkees, Beach Boys, Billy Idol, as well as Roger Federer’s tennis racket and boxing gloves from Wladimir Klitschko, among other remarkable items. Over the years, the “Kinderlachen Gala” has evolved into one of Germany’s most prominent charity events, attracting around 1,000 guests annually. Each year, this grand evening has been raises approximately €500,000 in support of our cause. In recent years the amount has exceeded €1,000,000. At the annual Gala in 2022 it surpassed €1,200,000.


Emotionally engaged:

Asked what the hardest part of their commitment was both Marc and Christian responded in kind. The farewell project for parents and hospice visits. They financed the installation of “cold beds” where the child’s body can be preserved so parents get the time they need to say their final goodbyes. Visiting the terminally ill children during Christmas to light up their worlds. Christmas is no fairytale anymore for them as they return home drained with sadness. What revives them with energy, motivation and dedication to continue this great service is the outpouring of support from strangers. You too can join this wonderful organization and put a smile on a child.

How to Help

Account Holder: Kinderlachen e.V.

Bank: Sparkasse Dortmund

BIC: 440 501 99

BIC: DORTDE33XXX (44047 Dortmund)

Account No.: 391 019 444

IBAN: DE27 4405 0199 0391 0194 44






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