3 Tips to Find the Right MOT Garage


It is that time of year again and your MOT is due! This test ensures that your vehicle is road-safe, not only for you and your passengers, but for everyone else on the roads too. Once your car passes three years old it will need an annual MOT. But how can you choose a reliable and budget friendly MOT garage? Here are three options:

Find a Council MOT Testing Centre

All councils tend to have MOT centres where the council vehicle fleet is serviced and checked at MOT testing time, and by law, these centres must be open to the public. Many charge a very reasonable price for their MOT tests, making them a good choice for most drivers. However, there is a caveat – be aware that council testing centres tend not to do major repairs on vehicles, so if you fail your MOT on dangerous points, you will then have to pay for your car to be towed to a mechanic that does do repairs, adding to the cost of the parts and labour that you will shortly be paying out anyway! But, if your car is in tip-top shape and sure to pass, a council testing centre is a good bet.

Check Reviews

If you find a garage, or want to give someone new a try, check out the reviews – and especially do so if the cost of the MOT seems to be ridiculously cheap, or something in the service offered seems too good to be true! If you want to renew your MOT certificate you can book MOT in London from Iverson Tyres – and check out all the excellent reviews they have beforehand so you have the peace of mind of knowing you are in good hands!

Choose an Accredited Garage

Whichever garage you choose to do your MOT testing, make sure they are an accredited garage, who have promised to adhere to the Motoring Ombudsman’s Codes of Conduct – this not only ensures that they are reputable garages, but also gives you an authority to whom you can appeal, should something go wrong with your MOT.

Having a reputable garage in your address book can be a relief, giving you an instant port of call should you have any vehicle-related queries. If your MOT is coming up, why not start your research today?



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