It is with great sadness and profound sense of loss that we hear of the passing of Cde Achmat Dangor. His contributions to our struggle and our nation post 1994 bear testimony to the mammoth role he played in whatever task he undertook.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and our nation in this time of bereavement. No words do justice in consoling the pain of departure of a loved one and we ask Allah Almighty to give you all the strength, patience and forbearance in this hour.
Cde Achmat’s service to the legacy of my grandfather President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela requires no elaboration and is self evident. We are humbled that someone of his talent and calibre honoured this cause with such distinction. We shall remain eternally grateful for this contribution and may the annals of our country’s history one day proudly record one Achmat Dangor for his quiet devotion, dedicated service and unfailing commitment to not only tell our story but the embodiment of its best values.
Such praise may be uncharacteristic for a family who have selflessly devoted their entire lives to the struggle and the advancement of our nascent democracy. Cde Achmat was definitely worthy and deserving thereof and we are poorer for the loss of such a remarkable soul.
May you find in the passage of time moments to celebrate such a collosal contribution and take pleasure in the knowledge that he has returned to the One who best rewards the efforts of devotion, sincerity and service.
To Allah we belong and unto Him is our return.
With much love and appreciation to all of you in the Dangor family, your households and extended family for the gift of a life well lived, a narrative well told and a legacy that will last forever.
The pen has lifted and the scrolls have dried.
Hamba Kahle Cde Achmat!!

Nkosi Zwelivelile “Mandla” Mandela, chief of the Mvezo Traditional Council and grandson of famed South African President Nelson Mandela. Member of Parliament (MP) South Africa National Assembly. All articles by Nkosi Zwelivelile “Mandla” Mandela