David W. Miller II is the Founder of Brand New Muscle Car (BNMC) and is in the business for decades. In the recent interview we had with him, he described how he got into the classic auto restoration hobby. Once a hobby later became a large business with an incredible team. He said that he was influenced by his father who was a lifelong mechanic and car nut. It was interesting to hear how he made his company and created the logo, name, domain name, website, marketing, etc. nonstop from that moment on.
It is good news to hear for all muscle car lovers around the world as the Brand New Muscle Car TV show will return to television in 2024. As David mentioned during the conversation, Brand New Muscle Car the idea and the building business have been around since 2005. According to him, their 13-episode Bronco series aired 11 more times in re-runs because the ratings were so good and even ran once in Canada on REV’N as well. He said that after taking 2020 off for COVID we started getting calls from the Production Company and sponsors about doing another build and 13-episode season of our TV show.
During the interview, David was happy to share his passion for rebuilding muscle cars and how it lead him to start BNMC and gather an excellent team around him, that shares the same passion. He sees it as a blessing to be in partnership and work with many of the great names in the automotive industry over the years such as GM, Ford, Shelby®, Yenko®, Gone in 60 Seconds, ELEANOR Licensing, Classic Industries, OER, Dynacorn, etc.
David shared his experience in the shop as he speaks to customers, on and off, all day long, all week long. He calls his work his “dream job” and he loves what he does. David lives his dream in the industry he loves and every day is a different day at the office for him. At the end of the interview, he mentioned that we can just all get along, make the world a better place, and have a little fun while we are here.
David, can you start off by telling us about BNMC, its creation, and your inspiration for it?
My team and I have been in the classic auto restoration hobby and business for decades in the traditional sense. Meaning someone has an original classic American car or truck and they bring it to us, and we restore it, usually take it apart, repair it, paint it, and put it back together at a basic level. Plus, whatever upgrades, changes, modifications, customization they want, of course. That is still our core business to this day. Back in December of 2005 Hot Rod magazine did a cover story on a sheet metal parts company in California called Dynacorn that had a new and crazy idea to weld all their parts together and sell whole 1969 Chevrolet Camaro bodies.
And they got GM to license the all-new, all-metal body shell to legally make it a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro. My mind was blown. I immediately got that this would completely change the classic car restoration and build business forever. All the other parts had been available for years. Now a shop like us could build a 1969 Camaro completely from scratch with all new parts and the customer’s choice of 30 years worth of upgrades, improvements and modifications. Imagine it, a brand new 1969 Camaro in 2005! It was incredible. The car would be a time machine. Like going back in the time and going to the Chevrolet dealership and ordering a 1969 Camaro all new. Crazy cool! This was the first of many new body shells to come from Dynacorn over time, other models, other makes, other years. Wow, wow, wow. And this first year, make and model just happened to be my personal favorite muscle car. I’m a Camaro nut. I’ve personally owned 5 Camaros to date, and there will be more in future, no doubt. I love them.
That night I couldn’t sleep I was so excited. I woke up early that next morning with what I thought was the perfect name for our new business division, Brand New Muscle Car. Turns out I was right. To this day Brand New Muscle Car, aka BNMC, is the most recognized name in the scratch muscle car build business. Years later during one of our TV build shows the MotorTrend TV host Dave Dobson said, “Brand New Muscle Car is THE ORIGINAL scratch muscle car builder…” Which is true. We loved it and still use that as one of our marketing taglines today.
The funny thing about my idea was… no one got it, not at first anyway, for years really. I went into our shop that first morning, gathered all our technicians together and said, “Guys! GM has licensed a company to make all-new, all-metal classic Camaro bodies! We can now build a completely new 1969 Camaro for customers just the way they want it! The reaction? Crickets. No one said a word for an uncomfortable bit of time. Then one guy asked, “Why?” Meaning why wouldn’t the customer want an original? Why would a customer build a classic car all new? They just didn’t get it. No one did. I didn’t care. I thought it was great!
I built up the BNMC logo, name, domain name, website, marketing, etc. nonstop from that moment on. I did advertising and press and… Nothing. Crickets again. No one got it. I didn’t sell our first scratch build until a year or so later when I begged, straight up begged, one of our existing customers, and a friend, to order our first all-new build. Everyone still thought I was crazy. I was one of the first in the world to call Dynacorn and sign up to be a dealer of their body shells and buyer of those shells to build whole cars. I just loved the idea and concept of Brand New Muscle Car. Of course, here we are 17 years later and scratch builds are the BIG thing, lots of people are doing them, and they are even worth more than originals at the auctions when they’re done right. The world final caught up with my idea. Brand new muscle cars built to suit. Order your time machine today! Ha! I still love it and still think it’s great.
You have assembled an incredible team to work at BNMC. Can you tell us about your team?
We are very blessed to have assembled an incredible team here at BNMC. And most of us have been working together for over a decade now, some much longer. Dustin Jeffries is our Head Painter and technician team lead. He’s one of the best painters I’ve ever seen. He’s been painting cars for 35 years. In fact, Dustin is also the President of our restoration business, Unique Customs. Jerrad Baker is our Parts Manager for both Brand New Muscle Car and Unique Customs. Jerrad has been slinging parts for years and but is a very experienced painter and prepper by training and trade. Jerrad also helps all of us with any customer issues as well. Jerrad has the gift of gab when it comes to dealing with people. Customers love him.
Brandon Harris is our Shop Manager and runs the operations and manages the technician’s day to day. Brandon is also a very experienced painter by training and trade and has been by Dustin’s side in the paint booth and otherwise for over 20 years. As with any Operations Manager Brandon is the one making projects move forward every day. He makes the rubber met the road in the shop. All three of them are Master Certified Painters with our paint company Axalta Coating Systems. Richard Morgan is our Mechanical Manager and one of the best all-around mechanics I have ever seen. He manages the technicians, projects and parts in our classic auto mechanical service and repair department. Or as we like to call him on our MotorTrend TV show, Doctor Richard. He’s always explaining how the mechanical part of these projects work, good, bad and ugly to us, the techs, our customers, the television viewers, visitors, or anyone else who will stand still long enough. Richard is super knowledgeable on how things work mechanically. He’s also been doing this for decades like the rest of us.
Cars are a lifelong passion for our entire team. That’s our management team but we also have around 20 technicians out in the shop who all have decades of experience in metal, body, paint, mechanical, wiring, plumbing, engines, transmissions, interior, audio / video, and many other things. We are beyond blessed to have such and amazing and talented team in house. One by one these folks rotated into our orbit and we’ve just keep adding to our team year after year. We tend to keep working with the same people for years, if not decades. And we’re always looking for good, talented folks who love classic cars and trucks.

Dustin Jeffries. Jerrad Baker. David Miller. Richard Morgan. Brandon Harris.
In 2024, the Brand New Muscle Car TV show will return to television. Firstly, tell us about the TV show and its origins which date back to 2014
In 2024 our television series “Brand New Muscle Car” returns to the cable channel MotorTrend TV nationwide. Brand New Muscle Car the idea and the build business have been around since 2005. Our Production Company, Masters Entertainment Group out of Bristol, Tennessee found us on the Internet just like most of our customers. A gentleman by the name of Charles Mills called me one day and asked if BNMC was really building all-new, all-metal classic American muscle cars from scratch. I confirmed that we were indeed. He thought building a classic car from start to finish on TV would make a good show and I agreed. That was back in 2014.
I had just met with the Shelby American folks out in Los Angeles and they were willing to license us to build replicas otherwise known as continuation cars. I told Charles we should build a 1965 Shelby Mustang G.T. 350 all new on camera in 2015 for the 50th Anniversary. He agreed. Long story short, we did exactly that. We built and filmed our first 13-episode season of Brand New Muscle Car in 2015 but Shelby pulled the licensing before we could air the finished show on what was then called The Velocity Channel. We were crushed.
But everyone still thought the show was a great idea and the final edit of Brand New Muscle Car: G.T. 350 Mustang TV show looked fantastic. Masters, the build customer, and us all loved it. So, we regrouped and took another shot at putting together a build and show. I paid Masters for the final production and editing work and ended up owning the concept and the show overall. I have since also become a Producer on the show in subsequent seasons as we moved forward and I got more and more involved in putting the entire thing together, finding customers to fund the builds, finding sponsors to fund the production and air time, helping facilitate and fund all aspects of the productions, managing the builds, coordinating SEMA and Barrett Jackson, marketing and promotion, overall project management, etc.
For round two, I went home, so to speak, and decided we should do a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro. That had always been my personal favorite classic car. But not just any Camaro would do. I thought let’s do the ultimate Camaro, let’s do a Yenko®. I did some research and found out that Jeff Leonard, the owner of Classic Industries and OER, and one of the biggest names in the restoration parts business owned the rights to the Yenko name and cars. So in 2017 I called his office, cold-called him, I had never met him, and asked if I could fly to California and meet with him and his management team and present my idea for a line of Yenko® continuation cars and 13-episode build show of the car number 001 being built to promote everyone involved.
He said yes, so we booked a day and time for me to be in Huntington Beach a couple weeks later. Long story short, I went there, spent the day with Jeff, his team, and Reggie Jackson, yes, that Reggie Jackson, he’s a huge Car, Camaro, and Yenko® nut. And super cool to hang with, by the way. Jeff gave us a Yenko® license, which we still have to this day, agreed to sponsor the build and show, supply us parts, and the rest is history. I found a customer to commission an all new 1969 Yenko® Camaro 427 S/C in Daytona yellow and black stripes and we built and filmed the car in 2018. “Brand New Muscle Car: Yenko® Camaro” aired in the fall of 2018 to great ratings, especially with zero advertising. We then followed that up with “Brand New Muscle Car: Classic Bronco” in the fall of 2019 and the ratings were even better. A couple hundred thousand people were tuning in each week to watch our shop. It was crazy cool.

1969 Yenko® Camaro 427 S/C
What led to the Brand New Muscle Car TV show returning to television? Will it be available on traditional TV or on a streaming service?
After taking 2020 off for COVID we started getting calls from the production company and sponsors about doing another build and 13-episode season of our TV show. These conversations carried on through 2021 as the pandemic continued. Frankly, we were enjoying our break. We did think about another build and season from time to time. Ultimately, we decided to do another season of the show around the end of 2021 when we moved into our new greatly expanded location.
We took over the original Nelson Ford car dealership in a suburb of Tulsa called Broken Arrow and turned it in to hot rod heaven. It’s 30,000 square feet on 10 acres. We only do classic cars and trucks and we offer restoration, builds, customs and mechanical service and repair. It’s the coolest shop we could have ever wished for and it just fell into our laps one day in late 2021. So we jumped on it and never looked back. We really want to show the new shop to the world and have the video content for our YouTube channel and website after it airs in 2024.
Since the production company and us own the show we have content use rights after it airs and we use the video content for our marketing. Most nationally televised car shows are owned by the network but not ours. And we grant use rights to all the show sponsors as well so they can do the same for their own company marketing. It’s really a cool deal for everyone involved. Thank you Masters Entertainment Group!
We also want to build a classic Mustang from scratch on air since our Mustang build show never aired. Over the decades we have done one of just about every car and truck possible but our business has always been Ford heavy so we have literally done hundreds of Mustangs. Again, we want that video content for our marketing. We love Mustangs. That and we really want to show the good, bad, and ugly of the services we do the most, RestoMod services, or Restoration Modification restoration, builds, and customs. RestoMod is the biggest trend in the automotive business and has been for years and it will only get bigger going forward. Customers want a classic car that looks old and drives new. They want classic cars, restorations and builds, that have modern amenities such as improved suspension, DISC brakes, upgraded shocks, wheels, tires, air conditioning, fuel injection, power steering, power brakes, all new wiring, audio / video, custom interior, etc.
And more and more of them are interested in the final frontier of the RestoMod trend, electrification. Electric Muscle Cars! We have done some electric muscle car work in the past for customers and companies such as Charge.cars and we know that’s part of our future.
We already provide all those RestoMod services today, we do a ton of Restomod projects all day, every day, and we want to show all of that on national TV and have the video content afterwards for our marketing. So, we’ve already put the word out and we will be building and filming “Brand New Muscle Car: Mustang RestoMod” in 2024. This new 13-episode season will air in the fall of that year on the cable channel MotorTrend TV nationwide and REV’N in Canada. Then we’ll take that car to SEMA 2024 and Barrett Jackson Scottsdale in January 2025. There will be more than a year of events and publicity around the new build, car, and show. It’s very exciting.
BNMC has had a number of relationships with motor industry stalwarts such as GM, Ford, Shelby®, Yenko®, Gone in 60 Seconds, ELEANOR Licensing, Classic Industries, OER, Dynacorn, Chip Foose, Orange County Choppers, Chrome Shop Mafia, Velocity Channel, MotorTrend TV, and many more. How did you create many of these relationships and how important have the connections to these established brands been to BNMC?
We have been blessed to partner and work with many of the great names in the automotive industry over the years such as GM, Ford, Shelby®, Yenko®, Gone in 60 Seconds, ELEANOR Licensing, Classic Industries, OER, Dynacorn, Chip Foose, Orange County Choppers, Chrome Shop Mafia, Velocity Channel, MotorTrend TV, and many more. Each one has been a crucial part of our success and still is to this day. We are very proud to have worked with so many great companies to create these amazing cars with their best-in-class products and services. We couldn’t have done it without our partners, vendors, sponsors as we call them.
All of these relationships are built on trust. Our trust in these partners to help us with the highest possible quality parts and support and their trust in us to do the same with the cars that we produce. We work hard every day to deserve the incredible level of trust and support all our partners have given and are giving us. We want to be a good, reliable partner and we know we have to earn their trust each and every day. Every one of our cars is a representation of not only our business but each of theirs as well. We know and respect that fact. We are the best at what we do and they are the best at what they do. We build classic cars and they supply the parts and services for those cars. It was only natural that we would end working together as the scratch classic car build industry has evolved over the years since that first all-new Dynacorn classic car body shell became available in 2005 and Brand New Muscle Car was born.

1966 Ford Bronco 5.0 Coyote Custom
What is the timeframe on a customer ordering and designing a classic car with BNMC and it being delivered?
Every prospective scratch car build customer asks how much and how long, and how do I register and title it once you’re done. Those are the three big questions that come up in every initial customer conversation. Always has been and always will be. As viewers of our TV build show, “Brand New Muscle Car,” know it takes us about six months of hard labor to build one of these all-new, all-metal cars or trucks from scratch. That’s labor time, not total calendar time to be clear.
The customer and us have to detail out all the specifications they want on an individual build sheet, put a build agreement in place, we ask for half of the estimated total build cost down for parts, then we order and receive the body shell and all the parts, and then it’s six months hard labor. We order every single part day one so there are no delays once we start building. That’s really the only way to do a scratch build, especially these days. Once we have everything in hand, we go to work, and we don’t stop until we’re done. Customers appreciate that and it’s the only way a scratch muscle car build production process can be run efficiently.
Usually, the entire process is around a one-year timeframe from initial phone call to final delivery. Which in the “bespoke” or custom car build world is FAST. But we build a limited number of models, over and over, and over again, which helps a ton. Of course, the time and cost can change quite a bit based on what the customer wants. If they go all custom, only-one-in-the-world, crazy, 1,000 hp twin turbo, way off script from the past, then all bets are off. Ask me to build the bat mobile or something truly unusual then it’s going to take longer than a year. Custom projects have custom timeframes but we’re faster and more efficient than most because we’ve done scratch builds before, a bunch. As we like to say, building custom cars isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a challenge, but we love it.
We build to suit and the customer’s wish is our command. We’re game for just about anything. We do this because we love it. And it’s GREAT fun.
What are the steps that take place from a customer ordering a classic car to it being finished? What is the most difficult part of the process for you and your team?
The basic steps from start to finish building a scratch muscle car are pretty straight forward. The customer contacts us, we put together the plan, time, cost, etc. That’s the build sheet and build agreement. They agree and pay half down so we order the body shell and every single part on the car or truck day one. Once we have everything in hand, we go to work for about 6 months worth of labor, longer on the calendar, of course. Again, it’s usually around a year total time.
So, imagine the build process in your mind. We start with design, then money, then body and parts, then assemble and test fit, then body work, disassembly, paint, assembly, wiring, plumbing, drivetrain, interior, seals, glass, and trim. Then we do the driving, testing, and tuning to break everything in and make sure it’s all right and safe. Then final details, clean, photo shoot, and deliver the car or truck to the customer. I’m simplifying and summarizing but you can get your head around the scratch build process if you try. There’s a lot to it but it’s pretty common sense. As we like to say, design, order, build, drive. It’s that simple at a high level.
The best thing a customer can do is select an experienced new body builder. Someone who’s actually built a classic car or truck from scratch from a new body shell. There’s no substitute for experience, especially on something this expensive. Why trust your money to a shop who’s never done a new body build before. That’s nuts, honestly. It’s your call. I’m sure you’re buddy down the road who’s got a body shop and has never done this before could eventually figure it out but his time is your money. And the very first scratch build is painful for any shop. Think about it. Why take that chance with a couple hundred grand? You’d have to be crazy.
The most difficult part of the process for us is letting them go once they are done. We love these cars. These cars are our babies. We do this because we love the cars. None of us are getting rich. It pays the bills, of course, but it’s not about the money. It’s a job. And we’re making a living. But it’s about the cars. Everyone that tours our facility, and we give tours all the time, especially when the TV show is running, says, “Man, you’re working my dream job…” Yes, yes we are. We feel the same way. We love what we do. Building the cars, the build process, has its ups and downs, of course, every car and build is a little different, but building these cars is a labor of love, a pleasure. Looking back, there’s nothing but joy, honestly, pure joy. When I go back through the build book on one of these builds it just puts a smile on my face. I don’t think about any of the little things that went wrong along the way. Not at all. It’s all good, each of them. Building these cars is a dream job.
David, what drew you to classic cars?
My dad was a lifelong mechanic and car nut. So, I’d say I definitely picked it up from him to a certain degree. He had a 1957 Bel Air, a 1966 Nova, a 1969 Camaro Z/28, and he raced all of them. My mom’s first car was a 1965 Corvette Stringray, Canary Yellow, 327, 4-speed, and she raced it. My mom and dad were both drag racers. They did it together. The guys in their old neighborhood tell stories of my dad rebuilding people’s transmissions and carburetors for fun, and money, when he was in Junior High and High School. He had no formal training at that age, obviously. He was a natural and self-taught. He was just a car guy from birth. So, I like to think I’ve got some of that going on inside me. But my parents divorced when I was only 3 so most of that just had to be in my nature. In my blood. It wasn’t nurture. I didn’t see my dad that much growing up. We didn’t hang out, unfortunately. I wish we had.
When I turned 15 my stepdad bought me a 1972 El Camino and I was under it and all my cars from then on. Some of it was necessity because they needed work and we didn’t any money and some of it was just in my nature. I did like cars and I did like working on them. I’ve always liked tools and working with my hands. I like to think I got that from my dad. He was handy and so am I. I like that narrative, so I use it. For me, looking at a classic car is like looking at my wife. Both are beautiful and get me excited. I love cars and no one told me to. I’m a car guy, always was, longer than I can remember. And I like just about everything with 4 wheels, domestic and foreign, really. My mom is a car nut too. She’s a big Corvette person. She has a 2017 Corvette right now. I love them too. I’ve personally owned five Corvettes to date, and there will be more, no doubt. I want a new C8, but that’s whole other story. It’ll be a minute before that happens.
Fortunately, my son, Harris liked cars from day one. I guess he got the car guy thing too. I love it. He’s only nine but I’m already thinking about buying him an old car to work on together in a few years. I can’t wait. My all-time favorite hot rod is the 1969 Camaro and I’ve had five Camaros as well. My wife has already caught me looking at 1969 Camaros online for Harris. LOL. One day.

1968 BULLITT Mustang Supercharged Coyote
Why does America love classic cars from the past? Is there a chance that the interest in cars from the 1950s and 1960s will wane as more Baby Boomers pass on?
America loves cars from the past because they were, and are, fun and sexy. They had style. They were big and bold and iconic. Sometimes it’s because they remember one they used to have and sometimes it’s because they never had one in the past and always wanted one. Sometimes it just sounds like fun. Most of our customers in the restoration business have a car and are from the Baby Boomer generation, my parent’s generation. I’m 54. But many of the Brand New Muscle Car customers are my age or younger. They have the money and they want a car that looks old and drives new. That’s BNMC. They want a classic car they can actually drive. That doesn’t handle like a school bus. That doesn’t smell like gas. A car their wife won’t hate. People order BNMC cars to drive, sometimes daily. Every time the weather’s nice for sure. Building a whole classic car or truck from scratch isn’t cheap. It’s a big investment, starting at around $200k and goes up based on features and options selected by the customer.
BNMC customers are not the same customer as the restoration business more often than not. The restoration customers are usually more the typical car nuts. They have a car. They know and love that year, make and model. And they’ve saved up for years to finally get it restored. BNMC customers are often having us build their first muscle car. BNMC customers usually don’t have a classic car already. Their daily driver is a King Ranch Truck or a Mercedes or a Porsche. They’re coming to BNMC for the ultimate classic car experience, all new, one of one, built to their personal specifications. Looks old and drives new. That’s a very unique thing. Honestly, I see the scratch muscle car market evolving not waning in future as the OEMs like GM and Ford stop making and selling big, fast, fun, gas-powered toys. People with money and the need for classic car fun will have to call us. And we’ll be happy to answer the call. Even if some of our classic builds end up being electric, we’ve already done some that. No problem. We’re game for anywhere classic car restoration, builds and customs go in future. We’ll be there, building cars.
What are your future plans for BNMC?
Going forward I expect the classic car restoration and build business, to super Nova and expand ten-fold and then explode before it fades away over the next 20 years. It will go away, but I’ll be retired before it does. In the meantime, as fewer and fewer gas-powered toys are coming out of Detroit and elsewhere, I fully expect us to be overwhelmed with customers wanting old-school V8 monsters to drive. We already have more work than we know what to do with. That will only get worse over the next decade. There will be a bit of an over-reaction to places like California outlawing gas-powered vehicles and our business will expand greatly. Our industry will explode short term. Then shops like us will offer both gas and electric classic cars and trucks, customer’s choice. We’ve already done some electric classic vehicle projects. There will be more of those in future no doubt. We embrace this as another option and part of the long-running RestoMod or Restoration-Modification tread in our business. I think of electrification as the final frontier in classic car RestoMod restorations and builds.
Oh, you’ve already got a 1967 Mustang? OK, would you like a fuel injection conversion? Or DISC brakes? Or air conditioning? Or… electrification!? Yep, we do all of that. That’s what’s going to happen. I say, bring it on. I like cars. I love classic cars. No matter what they run on. I don’t care if they run on banana peels, really, so long as they are cool and fast and fun. Now, that said, do I love the feel, the sound, the smell, etc. of a HUGE gas big block, a Chevy 427, a Ford 428 FE, or a Chrysler HEMI? Yes, bahahahahaha! There’s nothing like it. And there never will be! But I can still, also, dig a cool, fast, car that looks and drives like something out of the movie TRON. Electric hot rods, the final frontier in RestoMods! We’re in. BNMC will be there. Again, we like things with 4 wheels, all of them, no matter what happens in future. We’ll be building cars.
David, how is a day in your life?
Every day at the shop is different, which is probably a good thing for me. There’s never a dull moment, or a slow day. Usually I’m talking to customers, on and off, all day long, all week long. I’m the Founder of Brand New Muscle Car, but my day job is marketing guy, always has been, always will be. That’s what I love to do. So, I’m talking to walk-ins, giving tours of the shop, we give tours all the time, answering the phone, replying to emails, sending people quotes on restorations, builds and custom projects, etc. all the time. I also build our websites, do our social media, write the books on Amazon, manage our Google accounts, SEO, produce our TV show, SEMA, Barrett Jackson, etc., etc., etc. Marketing and sales, that’s me.
I’m also our customer service person, so I deal with existing customers as well. I help manage the current projects, especially the customer side, take regular photos and videos of their cars, provide updates, help with parts, and do just about anything I can to help anyone who needs it around the shop and office. I also personally project manage the BNMC builds through the process, start to finish. Customer builds are my build while they are here. BNMC cars are my car while they’re in the shop. I’m the customer’s contact and advocate inside the company and I make sure they get exactly what they want from the process and the result. Their car is my car while it’s here, and I love it. I have fun and take pride in the builds.
I am working the “dream job.” Thankfully I have great partners who handle the other areas of the business so I can focus on marketing and make sure we have plenty of work. Without them none of this would work. We always say it’s like a band, we each play our instrument and don’t want to do the other person’s job. It’s that simple and we’re a team.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
Something most people don’t know about me is that I don’t work on the customer cars. LOL. Most people watch our TV show and then when they meet me ask if I work on the cars. I usually laugh and then say, oh no, we have experts for that. We’ve got guys that have been working on cars for 20 or 30 years. You don’t want me working on your car. I talk for a living. The rest of the team works for a living. I’m very respectful of the people who actually make this happen out in the shop, Dustin, Jerrad, Brandon, Richard and the tech team. Without them my crazy idea of Brand New Muscle Car would have never become a reality. I know that and I’m very grateful to have such an amazingly talented team around me. I just had the idea, they made it real.
Choose two of your favorite quotes and write them here
“Fortune favors the bold.” Virgil
“Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not.” Robert F. Kennedy
If you have the power to change just one thing in the world, what would it be?
If I could change one thing in the world it would be the degree to which humans see each other as different, which is the exact opposite of the truth ironically. Everything on Earth is related. Heck, bananas and us share around half of our DNA. Bananas! Monkeys and us are more like 98.8%. So all humans, regardless of color, race, greed, religion, etc. are very, very closely related. Go back far enough and we’re all related. All humans are essentially cousins. I wish we could get past the point where everything is the first this, or the first that, and just look at this amazing person right here. All of us are amazing. I find how much humans separate and divide each other based on backgrounds, looks and other simple and stupid things laughable. If it wasn’t so sad, of course. It’s just crazy. Let’s just all get along, make the world a better place, and have a little fun while we’re here. And do it in brand new muscle cars!
David W. Miller II
Brand New Muscle Car
324 E. Kenosha Street
Broken Arrow, OK 74012