The more people create sites, the more people need hosting to support their place. This factor drives the number of web hosting service providers, which has now reached the point of almost unlimited.
The great, growing number of web hosting services available does not necessarily make all hosting services good. If you want to pour money to buy a web hosting, you need to be careful because you might be disappointed on your way because of poor quality services.
So, to avoid all those fake and untrustable hosting options, you should pay attention to the following tips before buying hosting.
1. Choose the Hosting According to Your Needs
Before buying the service, you need first to determine what your site needs are like. If, for example, the site you are going to build is just a profile page without many complex features, you may consider picking a basic or standard hosting package.
It’s a different story if you are going to build a website for your store, a profile page with many pages, a site for services with various customized features, or a site intended for a news portal. Suppose the need is similar to this; it’s better to have a hosting service with a larger capacity.
So, first, map out the needs of your site. If you plan to make a lot of features on your website in the future, you can start choosing standard hosting first. For example, you can try to find the best one MySQL hosting service. There you can see several options available. If you desire an upgrade, choose the upper versions later on.
2. Bandwidth
This point is still related to the first aspect we just talked about. It would be best if you choose a hosting that offers large bandwidth. Why? Because if one day your site gets a lot of visitors, your site won’t get overloaded.
If the bandwidth is limited, this will make your website go down. Imagine, for example, that the hosting service you choose limits only 3 or 4 GB of bandwidth. This amount will make it hard to make the site responsive if visited by hundreds of visitors. It’s like a toll gate that only provides one or two gates, with hundreds or more cars waiting in line.
Therefore you should choose a hosting that provides unlimited bandwidth. This term refers to uncounted bandwidth services, aka the amount of bandwidth is not limited.
3. See The User Reviews
Don’t buy hosting from a service if no one has reviewed it or has experience using it. Find out first the people who have used the hosting. See the full reviews of those who have experience using the particular hosting service. If it turns out that many are satisfied, it never hurts to buy.
If there is no information or no one is using it, you should find a better option. To find reviews of hosting services, you can easily search for this information by using Google or any other search engines you’re possibly using.
4. Make Use of Trial
If you are not satisfied with other people’s references or reviews and are curious about the hosting service you have in mind, then it is time to try it. The trick is that you can buy the hosting for 1 to 3 months, so don’t get service for the whole year at first. Sometimes, hosting services also offer trials for new users. If this option is available, don’t be shy to try it.
If you don’t want to spend money at all, you can look for a hosting service provider that offers free hosting. There are some hosting options available in the market, so ensure to have only the trusted one.
Now, If you are satisfied with using the free service or trials from a certain hosting, don’t hesitate to try the paid package. Usually, there are premium web hosting plans and business web hosting plans that offer various advantages, such as getting a free domain and free SSL certification.
5. Consider Server Locations
You may notice different server locations when trying to find the best hosting provider. For the purposes of your website, you should pay attention to the location of this server. The reason? It is because the location of the server affects the speed when loading your web (web loading).
If you are going to build a universal blog in English and the target audience is people around the world, then you should choose an American server.