Michael Taylor. Visionary Thought Leader Transforming Legal Marketing

Michael Taylor. Visionary Thought Leader Transforming Legal Marketing

The old-school method of law firms generating claimant leads has changed. Technology, like it has done with the banking system and just about every other industry has disrupted the way attorneys work and generate new clients. The days of airing a television commercial and generating leads from viewers calling the law office are over, and Michael Taylor has developed a company packed with digital solutions and services that will help law firms succeed in today’s modern age, that is driven by technology.

Michael Taylor is the founder of the buzzing company Injury Case Claims to give lawyers an opportunity to generate highly qualified claimant leads and thrive in a highly competitive industry with over 240,000 law firms nationwide, which grows daily.

Injury Case Claims is set to take the legal industry by storm, and it may not be long before the software and dozens of technology-driven services are dominating the legal industry and being used by many of the top firms around the United States.

Michael, can you please start off by telling us about Injury Case Claims and why it was created?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: I created Injury Case Claims to solve many problems that exist within the legal marketing space, that I have witnessed over the years. Things like poor back-end customer service, which the Leverage software we offer law firms not only solves, but it allows law firms to scale at a rate that has never been seen before and at a fraction of their current cost in most cases. We have seen miraculous results in various areas of practice from auto to mass tort plaintiff case lead generation, which is a combination of eight systems with the software only being one of those.

How does your service work?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: We offer a turnkey service that includes claimant screening, qualifying, interviewing, signing, and back-end engagement for law practices, which is just one of the services we offer at Injury Case Claims. The goal was to build a company that literally was a “turnkey” business in a box, so law firms would not have to use ten companies for all the different services they need to run a successful legal practice.

Injury Case Claims streamlines many processes for law firms.  Our retainers can make these businesses far more profitable by eliminating unnecessary work, while reducing fraud or unqualified claims by as much as 75%. A law firm’s employees can then focus on the important tasks they need to do to grow the practice like building the case for the claimant.

What can your clients expect from the streamlined process provided by Injury Case Claims?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: When a law firm works with Injury Case Claims, they can expect to have their account handled by some of the best talent in Legal Marketing who pride themselves with being up to date with the legal landscape, as well as the marketing challenges most firms face and to know confidently that we offer solutions for just about any size of firm or any situation when it comes to lead generation and client intake solutions.

What type of legal marketing does Injury Case Claims specialize in?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: Injury Case Claims was built based on our 15 years of experience in Mass Tort and Personal Injury marketing services. Our core focus is Mass Tort as well as personal injury motor vehicle marketing and intake service solutions, to deliver the highest quality fully verified claimant to the law firms for a streamlined process.

Law firms, and the industry, have not adapted to technological change quite as quickly as other industries. But out of necessity, the industry is now working to modernize itself. Injury Case Claims helps firms come into the modern age and do business in a tech-savvy world without tech experience, developer requirements, or the usual expenses of adopting such systems.

How is the way attorneys find leads changing today?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: The legal industry methodology of how law firms generate new clients, also known as leads, has completely changed in the last 10 years. The old days of running a TV commercial and watching your phone ring off the hook are literally gone. There has been a lot of industry disruption due to the changes in technology – like TV, for example – where people are fast-forwarding through the commercials. So, unless you buy the first ad position or the last, your commercial ROI is going to be next to nothing these days. You also have the social media boom, which we believe is underpriced right now, and over the next year or two will skyrocket due to “supply and demand” with the demand going up as we watch TV go down. If you’re not using the latest technology and systemization to create automation, and most importantly making it “duplicatable” for your staff, then you are going to have grey hair running a legal practice in today’s technology-dominated reality.

Injury Case Claims offers multiple different campaign lead types. Can you explain these different lead types?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: Injury Case Claims offers a variety of technology-driven lead generation types designed to meet the needs of any size of law firms at any stage of growth or scaling. We realize that different firms have different needs, so we offer low-cost options as well as options that let us do everything from start to finish, like generate the lead, verify it, and even sign it on behalf of the law firm if that is their goal. We also offer a written replacement policy for all of our leads because we want to ensure our clients get what they pay for unlike most of our competitors who provide either no-return policy or 10% add-on, which doesn’t help a client if 60% of the leads they purchased are no good, right? That basically increases the cost of the actual good case leads significantly. Most law firms undervalue this because they don’t understand the fundamentals of legal lead generation or marketing. They went to school for law, not business or marketing in most cases, so we must educate them as much as we can to build a sustainable relationship that is built to last.

Michael Taylor’s career was shaped by tragedy. He lost his parents at a young age to cancer. He has seen other members of his family pass away as well, including his father-in-law who recently lost a battle with cancer on NYE 2018. Their deaths help drive Taylor to create Injury Case Claims and to help those who are not being represented to find a voice that also helps them to get compensation. He is initiating the fight for individuals through Injury Case Claims and giving people a voice who otherwise have none!

Michael, can you tell us about your career and what led you to Injury Case Claims?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: I got into Mass Tort and Personal Injury marketing accidentally back in 2009, which I was immediately intrigued by the opportunity in multiple ways. The motivation for me was personal because I lost both my parents to cancer, who both chose chemo and radiation treatment, which ultimately killed them and left them with a poor quality of life in their last months that most should not have to experience. But the idea of helping people who have been misled by the big pharmaceutical companies, either directly or indirectly, get financial compensation is what has become the driving force for me.

You would not believe how “dark” and ugly the business of Big Pharma really is unless you hear the stories we hear and see daily. I mean, we speak to or read tens of thousands of victims’ cases annually who have had their lives turned upside down over a drug or device that was “supposedly” designed to improve their life. It is a money-driven political thriving business, and it gets very ugly when you start to connect the dots of “profits over people” marketing that is done daily with a lot of doctors basically on the payroll of the very drug or device company promoting to their medical practice the second the FDA clears it.

Look at chemo, for example, it kills more people than it saves. That is a fact. It hasn’t changed much in the last 100 years when everything else has evolved in the way we treat ailments in this country, but it is a TRILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS. I also just lost my father-in-law who I was unusually close to on New Year’s Eve 2018 to cancer as well as my uncle in November 2018 to brain cancer. My wife’s aunt died in February of 2018 to cancer, so it has literally hit our family very hard, and we have seen what these “so-called successful drugs” that treat cancer due to people out of a sheer desperation as a last attempt to “extend life” in our family, but they didn’t work in any of those cases. My mother-in-law passed about eight months after his death, in 2020 from guess what – CANCER.

Do you foresee technology completely changing the way law firms are run in the future?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: Yes, technology already has completely changed the legal industry, but it is usually one of the last industries to “adopt” new technologies, which has been shown in case studies done by MIT and Harvard University. Why? I am not exactly sure, but I don’t think it has anything to do with the cost. The technology we are seeing used in the legal industry, as well as others when it comes to marketing or legal intake, is designed to reduce the cost for the firm and increase margins while minimizing labor and maximizing the client experience.

Taylor is a busy person working to connect individuals with law firms who can help them. He does this six days a week most of the year. However, one of the best parts of his day is working next to his wife, who doubles as his business partner. As they say, behind every great man, or entrepreneur, is a great woman.

Michael, what is a day in your life like?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: The business is very complex with a lot of moving parts, especially when it comes to compliance like TCPA, GDPR or CAN-SPAM laws that we need to ensure we abide by with each lead that comes through our systems.

In addition, we use about eight third-party systems, which we believe are the “best of the best” to create our secret sauces of delivering quality legal leads to our clients. It’s not easy and has taken me nearly twenty-five years to achieve what I have within business success. I have had plenty of failures as well as lots of losses along the way, which I think any successful entrepreneur will tell you the same, if they are honest. I enjoy the daily challenges, which for us, we work six days a week eight months out of the year to ensure we get the most out of our consumer business that connects law firms with pre-qualified clients seeking representation for whatever potential claim they may have.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: That I am 100% self-taught and educated by literally taking steps that most business owners won’t or choose not to. For example, I have a personal rule that I never ask anyone to do something I myself have not already done, or I am willing to do with them because I am a big believer in you must “inspect before you expect.” So, just do it, is my thought process. Most entrepreneurs like the “title,” but the title is meaningless if you haven’t worn all caps within each area of YOUR business and treat yourself like an employee, not employer sitting back calling out orders.

I am an absolute workaholic who is in my pedigree because my father was a mathematical engineer for NASA and my mother worked thirty-seven years as a nurse. I have been blessed with strong DNA, and I believe I put that on display every day. I am a big believer that work ethics are superior to any other quality in business. I always say a competitor may outsmart me “temporarily,” but I will outwork them and eventually learn anything I choose by focusing on whatever that may be, which is just a matter of time before they no longer have an edge on me, or our services offered. So, the company is always evolving and changing as the technology and legal space requirements or demands change.

What makes you smile?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: I get to work with my beautiful wife every day who is also my business partner, and she makes me smile daily, especially when we have one of “those days” she is my rock. She is the love of my life and just as passionate about our mission in business as I am. I also smile just knowing that we are in the business of “helping people” that are literally holding onto life in some cases or have been so close to death get to redeem themselves through the type of plaintiff litigation marketing we do each day.

It’s easy to smile when you know you’re making a positive impact or difference in the world one person at a time. If it were not for these law firms taking on the manufacturers of the drugs or devices or helping a person that was in a no-fault motor vehicle accident fight the big insurance companies… then we would be in a bad place as consumers. We would have little to no protection against the wrongs being done to so many victims, which is in the millions per year when you think about all the different areas of practice we focus on as a company.

What scares you?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: The talk about the FDA removing clinical trials to let U.S. citizens become “human guinea pigs.” This is being proposed and will be done by removing the federal red tape that usually costs tens of millions of dollars to get FDA approval, which is currently in place. It scares me to think about the way our kids will be treated medically 10-15 years from now with robots already performing doctor-assisted surgeries. My oldest son is a paramedic, so I get to hear the things he is taught and then school him on the things he is not that only you could learn by doing what we do daily. But the FDA scares me the most because it literally dictates where we are going as a society when it comes to consumer safety which is controlled by big pharma political donations and control/ influence over media which they spend billions on every year.

Do you have any hobbies?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: I enjoy traveling with my wife and kids the most, but I would say boating and piloting a plane are my two favorite hobbies. We spend allot of time with our furry family members, as well which we really enjoy.

Which historical figure do you most admire?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: I would have to honestly say Albert Einstein, because of his relentless attempts to achieve success. It is said that he had about 10,000 attempts before successfully creating the light bulb. He forever changed the way humans live, and the universe is energy, so he would certainly qualify there.

Can you share two of your favorite quotes with us?

“If you do the things that are hard your life will be easy “

“If you help enough people get what they want you will get what you want”

If you had the power to change just one thing in the world, what would it be?

MICHAEL TAYLOR: Politics. I hate them because I see what it has done in terms of corruption and greed in our country, as well as the world.

Taylor’s personal experiences have influenced his desire to help others. While many Americans are critical of law firms who represent people and help them receive deserved compensation, Taylor knows those who are being helped could have their lives completely changed for the better by receiving compensation for their suffering. He refers to it as “fighting the good fight.” Injury Case Claims is doing great things, not just for law firms, but for the tens of thousands of victims his companies help by connecting them to the law firms they otherwise would not know of or find. Most victims are not even aware of their own state statute to file a claim, so that on its own is a problem for consumers who have been harmed. Helping others is near and dear to Taylor’s heart, and it is his passion to make the world better, which fuels his success as an entrepreneur running a legal marketing agency that serves victims!

For more information on Michael Taylor and Injury Case Claims, please visit https://www.injurycaseclaims.com or call 800-889-1679






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