Not Just Fashion, A Lifestyle

What happens when two suc- cessful women join forces, combine their flair for fashion, creativity of design and in- depth knowledge of the fash- ion industry? The answer is COLM®, a beautiful innova- tive line of clothing designed by Laura L. Calderon and Mercedes V. Mc Loughlin

Both have spent the past fifteen years working for different leading European fashion brands. These experiences have given Laura and Mercedes an acute knowledge of not only the operational aspects of production but a deep understanding of the value of artisan work, and the importance of working with only the finest materials.

RAO4-(1)2Laura has extensive experience in trend fore- casts; she has developed color concepts and new materials for leading European companies.

Under her influence, this area was comple- tely revived and has become a key element for the renewal of designs. Her work reaches be- yond fashion into the automobile and cosme- tic industry where she has also made her mark. Always looking to open new doors, she was also a pioneer in guiding fashion brands into the world of homeware.

Mercedes credits her time spent at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design in 2004, as a pivotal point in her career. Having worked as a designer in four countries, her versatility and talent have allowed her to hone her skills in all areas of the fashion industry. from the outset she started at the top in Haute Couture and costume design, and has worked for some of the most respected names in the business. Her extraordinary capacity to communicate and lead creative teams have consolidated her professional career.

So it was inevitable, that when these two dynamic people met, a new adventure would begin. Their successful partnership is due to its complementary nature and their quest for exce- llence. That passion is translated into each and every one of their designs. The CoLM® motto, ‘lovingly made, simply enjoy’, succinctly reflects the look and personality of this exquisite new urban style label.

CoLM® sets the bar very high as ethical va- lues and respect for the environment are an in- tegral part of the label and its philosophy. kee- ping production in Europe will be one way the team plans to ensure these standards are kept.

Mercedes and Laura believe that style is not connected to a specific brand but rather to the intrinsic value of the object, how we wear it, where it comes from and the way it is made.

The pieces they create are meant to re-enforce our sense of style and to influence our creativity in every other aspect of our lives. Even beyond fashion; whether it be traveling, planning our schedules, relaxing, or giving that ‘special’ gift. Going back to those things that really reconnect ourselves, seems to be quite forgotten in the market these days. Everything reflects your lifes- tyle and that is the philosophy of this new label, which is creating a buzz, even before launching its first official collection.

After traveling the world, working in all ma- jor fashion capitals and cutting-edge cities, they have developed a deep understanding what the stylish, urban-user is searching for in terms of design: an individual and distinctive character, high quality and originality; a reflection of a particular lifestyle. The designer duo soon rea- lized their concept went far beyond fashion, anticipating and feeling the shapes, volumes and colors to come, and turning them into so- mething real.

CoLM® has never wanted to be part of the “disposable culture”, also making the difference with their arty inspired items, like their printed tops, illustrated and signed by worldwide famous artist Conrad Roset, who is also close friend of this creative duo. His adorable, faint and captiva- ting “Muses” are a key part of Winter ‘14, and are garments to fall completely in love with.

“Style Bazaar” the CoLM® winter ‘14 collection, plays with traditional and rich materials like velvet, leather, wool crêpe, adding newest fiber combina- tions, like bamboo and linen, and even eco leather with soft fleeces.

The shapes are fluid, effortless: unstructured jaclkets, frill skirts, blouses that make us think of ar- chitectural works, cozy scarves and sweaters, elegant accessories, sophisticated jewellery, in a sophisticated urban concept.


“Style Bazaar” is a limited collection, where atten-tion to every detail has been given. Carefully selected patterns, shapes and fabrics repeat themselves in a very harmonious way, communicating the essence of the la- bel to press and clients.

CoLM® wanted to create something really special and that goal has been fully accomplished.



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