Featuring Dr. Apollo Emeka
From business pioneer to powerful leadership and strategy coach and consultant, Dr. Apollo Emeka’s life is dedicated to the art and science of self improvement in all its forms. Whether looking to accelerate personal or business growth, Dr. Apollo Emeka’s proven strategies not only catapulted him to entrepreneurial success but also empowered his clients to seek greater value and grow the pie so they can gain a large share of it. As with any endeavor, the results start with setting a vision, then aligning people and resources to follow through and achieve success. Along this path, Dr. Apollo Emeka introduces clients to his powerful, time-tested, battle-proven strategy that he calls the Prioritize, Leverage, and Execute System.
“If you want to be wildly successful, you only have to do three things really well: Prioritize, Leverage, and Execute. The PLE System is a simple and powerful framework for achieving amazing business results. When our clients apply this simple system effectively, they become more successful in business and in life. Prioritizing is all about knowing what must be done. It’s about identifying that really big goal you want to accomplish. Leveraging is about making that work (hitting those priorities) easy. Essentially Leverage launches your priorities. Executing is all about following through on those priorities to get it done. To put it simply, make it big, make it easy, and make it happen. The heart of the PLE System is rooted in my journey from high school dropout to being successful in multiple dimensions. It was heavily influenced by my experience in the FBI, U.S. Army Special Forces, and entrepreneurship. Honing these concepts was also the focus of my doctoral work at USC and we continue to refine them with each client experience.“