Shred Pillai. CEO of Paybookclub. Sutton Coldfield, UK

Shred Pillai CEO of Paybookclub

Paybookclub is set to revolutionize the way social media users like and share content. It is an incredible idea from Shred Pillai, who has plans of Paybookclub being the No. 1 content marketplace by 2020. That is a huge aim, but Pillai’s app is not only amazing, but incredibly unique. It is a chance for the millions of bloggers, content providers and others to finally see some kind of financial reward for the work they do.

Overnight, Pillai has taken his idea and made it a way that real people can earn money through the content they produce. No longer are marketing agencies who command large sums needed, as users can post and share content on Paybookclub that actually reaches people. Pillai’s app has already drawn the attention of Facebook, and you can bet there will be plenty of other big name companies looking into his invention.

With over 11,000 Paybookclub users already, Pillai has his eyes set on the future, and it looks bright for his creative content app.

Totalprestige Magazine recently sat down with Pillai to find out about his innovative app that is changing the way content is spread and bloggers earn money.

Shred, can you please tell us about Paybookclub?

Paybookclub is a futuristic, cloud based, AI driven content creation and monetizing platform built on a social network app for mobile phones. Paybookclub aims to be the content marketplace of the world by 2020 by providing the infrastructure and services for networking, publishing, sharing and monetizing user generated content.

Paybookclub rewards users in cash for their content, how does that work?

Members who post content updates on Paybookclub will be rewarded with 10 cents for every like received for their post. After they make a dollar for a post, it will earn 1 cent per every additional like. Members who give the likes earn 1 cent per like and more for sharing. Paybookclub will enhance the value of any content posted, so that its owner gets maximum reward. The payout is made from a pool of revenue generated from the content posted by members.

Shred, please tell us what makes the Paybookclub app unique?

The unique feature differentiating Paybookclub is that members get paid for their content and for the likes, shares and comments they make on content posted by other members. Paybookclub is the only social network which rewards its members in cash. The content monetization feature of Paybookclub will change how content is shared, by making it instantly appear on thousands of web pages and mobile phones.

Tell us how Paybookclub began and what have been some of the highlights along the way?

I used to blog for the Huffington Post, CNN-IBN and others without any reward, like millions of others who create free content insanely. Studies show that people spend as much as five years of their lives on social media, generating user content day in and day out without any reward. Paybookclub was started to remedy this situation and reward people for their content. The idea is an instant success with nearly ten thousand App downloads crashing our server after a press meet. Our tests on Facebook have shown one in three users like the idea.

What has been your most rewarding professional experience?

People ask me all the time if Paybookclub is competing with Facebook. I didn’t realise that perhaps we are indeed a competitor, until the whole Facebook team at the RISE Conference in Hong Kong came to visit our stand, unannounced, to take a look.

How do you find inspiration?

Abrupt twists and turns in personal life make me believe that we are not in absolute control of our lives. Inspiration often comes from above. More often, it is the urgent need to achieve a target in life which makes you roll up your sleeve and get on with it. A good night’s sleep often makes me wake up with wonderful ideas. For example, several features of Paybookclub.

What is the most challenging part of your work?

It amazes me why convincing someone about what you experience is much more difficult than about something you don’t really know about. “There are none so blind as those who will not see” is the norm even today!

What do you have your sights set on next?

There is a mobile app project to predict crops and eventually control the commodities market. But right now taking Paybookclub to the Billion Dollar Club of Unicorns is the priority.

Were you ever influenced by other entrepreneurs?

No. From Forge Valley Corporation, an online retail business I ran way back when Amazon was a book outlet to Paybookclub, I am a path breaker.

What is a day in your life like?

Starts early around four in the morning, which sees most of the productive work. The day lingers on with a lot of online reading and communication, and winds up with some relaxation. Travelling brings occasions to unplug, being literally cut off from the internet.

What makes you smile?

Anything to do with animals when they are not ppreying.

What scares you?

Haven’t had a scary moment that I remember, touch wood!

What is your greatest achievement?

Being able to “grab” risky opportunities, propelling my career way ahead of my peer group and “accept” others which pulled it down without regret. So far so good!

What is your secret talent?

God didn’t reckon any that was a good fit!

Which historical figure do you most admire?

Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi

Shred, do you have any hobbies?


What are you never without?

A connection to the internet!

Can you tell us two of your favorite quotes?

“Better late than never!”

“Your dreams have no expiry date. Take a deep breath and try again!”

How do you define success?

Success to me is that which makes you content, satiated in a way which makes you say “it is okay ”.

What advice would you give to anyone starting a new business?

Same I heard being given at a party when I was young. “Find your own level and stop there.”

For more information about Shred Pillai and Paybookclub, please visit You can also find out how to sign-up and begin earning money for the content you produce.



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