Social media makes the world go ‘round in 2018. That’s why it is so helpful to know what your social media platforms can do for you to make posting on them (and your life) much easier.
In this article, you will learn a social media tip for YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and Snapchat!
YouTube is one of the top video-based social media platforms on the web today. The site is home to millions of channels that are connected to users all over the world.
YouTuber is now an official job title you could one day have, but you’ve got to be able to make quality content to draw in subscribers. One thing many people struggle with is copyright.
Copyrighted materials can be hard to understand. Even if you say that you don’t have rights to the song, you could end up earning money off of your video if you have enough views. Copyright is used to protect artists and creators so that their content can’t be stolen without it being paid for.
Background music is essential to your video, but you shouldn’t have to worry about getting copyrighted, nor should you have to search the web for copyright-free music to use in your videos. Instead, check out YouTube’s copyright-free playlist. Search “copyright free music” and you will find a playlist. As long as you credit the artist in your video description, you can use the song for free!
Facebook used to make it easy to appear offline or blog certain people from sending you a message. However, that has become more difficult in the last year.
If you have an annoying relative or friend who pesters you via Facebook Messenger, you can keep them as your friend without seeing notifications for their messages. They won’t be left of read, but you also won’t be alerted that they are messaging you. You can still check your messages and reply!
Open your last conversation in messenger and click the gear icon. Click “mute conversation” and never worry about messages from them and notifications bombarding your phone again.
Pinterest is one of the best places to go for ideas on décor, parties, recipes, workouts, fashion, and anything else you could possibly think of.
There are some things you may want to keep private. Those could be surprise party ideas, personal motivation or quotes, or even your dreams and hopes. You can easily keep your pins private by toggling the “secret” button. You can do this when you create a board, or you can edit an existing board by clicking the edit icon and toggling the “secret” button.
What’s that song title again? If you’ve ever been in a restaurant, jamming out in the car, or in the club, you’ve likely heard a song that you couldn’t remember the name of.
Snapchat has you covered. You can simply open Snapchat while the song is playing and the built-in Shazam app will identify the name and artist!

Communication degree in journalism, radio, and TV/multimedia. She has worked with local ESPN radio, the Associated Press, and Gabrielle is an award-winning journalist, receiving a first place award in N.C.