Dario Brebric. President of Captis Intelligence Inc. Valencia, USA

Dario Brebric President of Captis Intelligence Inc

Dario Brebic has taken security to an all-new level. As President of Captis Intelligence, Brebric is continually working to make the world a safer place. In 2017, safety is one of the biggest concerns for the world’s population. From small localized crime to large global terrorist attacks, crime can occur at anytime and be perpetrated by anyone. That is why Brebric and Captis Intelligence are building new software that keeps the world safe. It is their mission to create the best programs that can identify a criminal before they strike again.

Used by hundreds of law enforcement groups and private businesses around the world, Brebric and Captis Intelligence are empowering people like never before. Along with its SolveACrime website, thousands of criminals are being taken off the streets everyday. With advancements in criminal activity, the need for high-tech crime fighting is more apparent than ever. The company uses social media as one of its tools to gather information on criminals; and that is why Brebric and Captis Intelligence are leading the fight to win back our streets.

Recently Brebric explained just how Captis Intelligence and SolveACrime work to Totalprestige Magazine. He also spoke a little bit about himself, the man behind the I-4 revolution.

Dario, please tell us about Captis Intelligence and the services you provide.

Captis Intelligence is a global leader and pioneer in the I-4 revolution, establishing the world’s first company dedicated to unifying the four I’s of security: Intelligence, Information, Investigation, and Identification. The Captis I-4 platform provides industry-first solutions to the asset protection, financial, security, law enforcement, and KYC, or Know Your Customer, markets.

How is Captis Intelligence using video and social media for crime solving ?

We harness the power of social media within several pieces of our system, most notably within our PRISM (Protective Research & Investigation in Social Media) solution and the solveacrime.com website, which we developed over a three-year development period. PRISM can scan all social media platforms across the globe in dozens of languages to determine threats, offer investigation points, and track communications of targeted organizations or individuals. Solveacrime.com is a suspect identification solution utilizing dozens of crowdsourcing conduits, including social media, to achieve large view-counts of uploaded surveillance videos and wanted suspect pictures. The site is able to quickly generate tens of thousands of views within defined geographic areas surrounding the location of the crime. Businesses, law enforcement, and even private residents can upload their surveillance videos and/or images and become alerted when an anonymous tip is received. We work with thousands of police departments across the country who receive the anonymous tips and provide updates on the investigation process within our system. Solveacrime.com has been responsible for the identification and apprehension of hundreds of criminals and the disruption of large organized retail crime rings resulting in significant decreases to incident rates at businesses who subscribe to the Captis I-4 system.

Please tell us about your advanced facial recognition system and how it helps crime fighting and security.

Facial recognition systems are only as good as the databases they correspond to. Captis built the world’s largest international private database of criminals that continues to grow at a rate of 10,000+ records a day. Our system can accept suspect images uploaded to our cloud for an immediate matching capability, or can automatically scan subjects at the entry points of an establishment with response times of under four seconds. With unlimited processing capabilities, we can accept streams of video from thousands of surveillance cameras simultaneously.

How did your career begin and what are some of your career highlights?

I began in the enterprise security and surveillance industry 20 years ago, advancing towards large applications involving layered technologies. Prior to Captis, I founded Bric Systems Group, an independent sales engineering company representing dozens of the largest security manufacturers. Bric was involved in thousands of enterprise security and surveillance systems within large retail, critical infrastructure, casinos, law enforcement, and government applications.

Dario, what has been your most rewarding professional experience?

Working with businesses and government agencies after 9-11 to advance security technologies, threat assessment, and safety at high-risk locations. The focus and commitment from all sides was unified to a level that was not driven by financial gain, but safety to our citizens.

Were you ever influenced by other entrepreneurs?

Len Pinkowsky.

What makes you smile?

My son and wife, family & friends.

What scares you?


What is your greatest achievement?

My son

Any hobbies?

Sports, racing, travel, reading

What are you never without?


Can you tell us two of your favorite quotes?

Some people dream of success, while other people wake up every morning and make it happen.

Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.

What advice would you give to anyone starting a new business?

Motivation, drive, and passion are difficult to maintain during the early phases of launching a business. Failures will challenge your desire, how you respond will determine the success of your business.

For more information on Captis Intelligence and the services it provides, please visit www.captisintelligence.com.




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