Hill+Knowlton Strategies Announces New Global Leadership Structure

Hill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K) announced a new global leadership structure effective immediately. Global President Richard Millar will take responsibility for the US, in addition to the global client and creativity and innovation agendas. Global President Lars Erik Grønntun will lead its International portfolio taking responsibility for the major markets of UK, Germany, Canada and Greater China as well as the Asia, LatAm, METIA, Continental Europe and Nordics clusters. He will also continue to oversee the global operations agenda. Both report directly to AnnaMaria DeSalva, Global Chairman and CEO.

In addition, Finance led by Andy Scharf, HR + Talent led by Kate Augustine, Business Development + Marketing, led by Sam Lythgoe and Global Counsel, Meredith Marks, will now report directly to AnnaMaria DeSalva. Global sector leads will also report directly to DeSalva.

“We are taking key steps forward to establish the foundation for the next era of growth and achievement at Hill+Knowlton Strategies,” said AnnaMaria DeSalva, Global Chairman and CEO. “Richard and Lars Erik are proven leaders who have built the UK market and EMEA region, respectively, and have advanced a global operating model for the firm as global co-presidents. With the establishment of this leadership structure we are doubling down on our growth imperatives for major markets and clusters while positioning key functions, sectors, and capabilities to drive our progress.”

“Richard’s significant track record in the UK, the role he has played in advancing creativity and innovation globally, and his true commitment to our US business make him an ideal choice to lead our operation and personally drive its accelerated transformation. I am delighted that he has agreed to take on this vital leadership remit, and I look forward to partnering with him.”

“While the US is a key global market, much of H+K’s business takes place across its 80+ offices in over 40 markets and we must continue to cultivate the strength that results from the diversity of our portfolio. Lars Erik has a strong record of successfully leading complex portfolios of multiple markets with different levels of maturity and growth and each with their own cultural nuances. I am confident that he will lead our International portfolio very successfully, and I look forward to our continued work together,” DeSalva continued.

Millar led the transformation of H+K’s flagship operation in the UK from 2008 and since 2014 has driven H+K’s global creative agenda including the formation of the Global Centre of Creative Strategy and the Shanghai Addition in China. Millar is also the senior lead on clients including adidas Global across all categories.

“I have gotten to know colleagues and clients in the US over the past year and I have been impressed by the depth and diversity of our work. We have brought in new talent, grown existing clients, dramatically improved our new business conversion and built out new capabilities which include a planning function, behavioral science expertise and the establishment of The Studio in New York. We have all of the right foundations and my ambition is to ensure we are the destination of choice for clients and talent in our largest market”, said Global President, Millar.

Grønntun led and transformed H+K’s largest region – Europe, Middle East and Africa since 2014 and with considerable growth and industry recognition. He is a senior strategy consultant within corporate communications and public affairs and senior lead for some of H+K’s top clients, including Equinor (formerly known as Statoil).

“I look forward to continue driving the momentum of our International portfolio,” said Global President, Grønntun. “The diversity and strength of our international operations have always set us apart as one of the strongest global public relations agencies. Our understanding of local markets together with our international mind-set and reach will be central to our growth and success in the future.”

H+K has offices in more than 40 countries worldwide, delivering award winning campaigns to clients across all sectors and disciplines and with a focus on continued innovation for the industry. Recent innovations include Flight School +, a crisis communications training and simulation tool, Better Impact, a new approach to brand purpose and CSR, and H+K Smarter, a behavioral science unit.

Hill+Knowlton Strategies, Inc. is an international communications consultancy, providing services to local, multinational and global clients. The firm is headquartered in New York, with over 80 offices in more than 40 markets, as well as an extensive associate network. The agency is part of WPP, one of the world’s largest communications services groups.



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