Lions International Announces New Approach as Club

At their centennial convention in Chicago, Lions International unveils diabetes as a new global signature cause around which they will mobilize their 1.4 million volunteer members in 200 countries.

Diabetes has been affecting more and more people in the world and no one seems to care about this. However, Lions International Club has decided this year to focus on diabetes as a globally recognized disease. Celebrating its 100th anniversary since its founding, they are focused on serving thousands of countries where diabetes has been causing a lot of problems for millions of people.

The president of Lions International announced at the event that more than 420 million people are living with diabetes and there are still many people who also have this problem and could not be diagnosed for not having access to a health center or not having The knowledge necessary to know it and it is to these people that the 1.4 million volunteers that the club has are willing to serve.

In addition to cancer, hunger and the environment, the club decided to deal with diabetes because it is found in many cultures. Diabetes has become an epidemic in many countries, especially in low-income countries and this has drawn the club’s volunteers in different countries to fight against this terrible disease.
Although at the beginning Lions International was mainly dedicated to making lenses and curing blindness improving the eyes of millions of people. This year they decided to take on a new challenge and are to confront diabetes as a place. Its plan is to mobilize its 1.4 million volunteers in 200 countries and thereby embrace as much territory as possible and greatly reduce the number of people who are being affected by this disease.

Different clubs working with Lions International have been developing ideas to effectively help people with diabetes and to try to prevent or delay those who may be affected. Some of the strategies are to perform diabetes screenings, look for support groups, seek information and patients in hospitals, and make camps for diabetic children at recreational facilities in different communities. They will also give talks on how to avoid type 2 diabetes, raise awareness of people to lead a healthy life and prevent people at risk from being affected by the disease.

Volunteer Lions have already helped more than 1.2 million people affected with diabetes this year. The Lions International system is a team that is completely involved with the communities and people who have the condition, becoming friends, neighbors and even family. This makes the deal with the person who has diabetes more personal and can be helped in a more reliable and safe way at all times and gets solutions faster and more effective and thus meets the needs of each person. The treatment with the people also benefits to them when making the camps to distribute educational material or to realize recreational activities. The excellent work done by Lions International volunteers demonstrates the commitment and love that they have in carrying out the necessary work to help these people.

Lions International took the opportunity to announce about their new project about diabetes in celebration of its 100th anniversary in the city where they were born as a foundation in Chicago. More than 30,000 volunteers from 110 countries attended the event. This was the largest convention in the United States this year.




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