Featuring Steve Rizzo
Steve Rizzo is a member of the prestigious Speakers Hall of Fame—an honor bestowed on fewer than 280 speakers worldwide since 1977. He is the author of the bestselling books Conversations With Bob, Motivate THIS! and Get Your SHIFT Together, and is often called upon as the “go-to” guy on the topic of personal development for many network, cable and radio media outlets. His immensely popular PBS special brought him into millions of homes and revealed why he’s an expert on Attitude, Humor and the Power of Positive Thinking.
“One common sense success strategy that I always use to stay motivated and inspired throughout the day is to embrace an attitude of gratitude.
This process starts as soon as I open my eyes to greet the day, and I take it with me throughout the day.
An attitude of gratitude fills my heart with joyful, high-energy feelings of being blessed with the many things I already have, rather than fixating on what I don’t have – or what’s not working.
An attitude of gratitude is one of the most powerful connections you have to your Higher Self.
The stronger that connection is, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more creative and productive you are. It’s the best kind of snowball effect. It places you in a solution-discovery state of mind. Which in turn helps you view challenges as an adventure and an opportunity for growth.”